Pre-parenthood, I was awful at staying on top of expiration dates and I had first aid supplies that were years past their usefulness. Once I had Pudding Pie though, I became more diligent (neurotic) and I now stay on top of tossing unused and expired medicines. I encourage you to do the same. It turns out that 40% of homes have an expired topical antibiotic in the medicine cabinet, an important issue as some products may lose their effectiveness once they reach their expiration date.
I recently received a tube of NEOSPORIN® + Pain Relief Ointment and a tube o
f NEOSPORIN® + Pain Relief Cream, and the newly available NEOSPORIN® NEO TO GO!® First Aid Antiseptic/Pain Relieving Spray. I really like the cream because Pudding Pie strongly dislikes any kind of ointment, and I am very excited about my handy little NEOSPORIN® NEO TO GO!® Spray. It is a wonderfully convenient way to clean and disinfect cuts, and I love that it also offers pain relief. We put it to use for the first time today when Pudding Pie took her tumble at the park, and grazed her knee. Pudding Pie was so fascinated by our fancy first aid gadget, she forgot to fuss about her knee!

This review courtesy of Mom Central and Johnson's
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