Interactive Disney On Ice shows feature exciting action, romance, comedy, athletic w

Mom Central and Disney On Ice are excited to extend the following special family of

Offer #1: Get 4 tickets for just $44 by entering the code "MOM" at select ticketing channels*. Offer good on all performances, minimum purchase of 4 tickets required; additional tickets above 4 can be purchased at $11 each. Offer not valid on Gold Circle Seating, Front Row and VIP seating or combinable with other offers. Other restrictions may apply.
Offer #2: A select amount of Front Row and VIP seats have been reserved for you to buy before they go on sale to the public - just enter the code "MOM" when purchasing those seats.
Dates and cities where families can use the national MOM code are as follows:
Disney On Ice presents Mickey and Minnie's Magical Journey
April 15-April 19

Dallas/Ft Worth
Disney On Ice presents Mickey & Minnie's Magical Journey
March 18-March 29
Disney On Ice presents Worlds of Fantasy
March 26-April 5
Disney On Ice presents Worlds of Fantasy
March 18-March 22
Kansas City
Disney On Ice presents Mickey & Minnie's Magical Journey
April 1-April 5
Disney On Ice presents a Disneyland® Adventure
March 12-March 15
Disney On Ice presents a Disneyland® Adventure
April 9-April 12
Disney On Ice celebrates 100 Years of Magic
Sept 8-Sept 13
To learn more about Disney On Ice shows touring the country this year, visit http://disney.go.com/disneyonice/ and visit ticketmaster.com to use the 4 tickets for $44 code, MOM.
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