Sunday, January 11, 2009 and MedNotes: An Invaluable Resource for Moms

It wasn't that long ago that Pudding Pie had a particularly nasty cough. As her concerned parents, we wanted to do whatever we could to make her uncomfortable symptoms go away. We had a pediatric cough suppressant in the medicine cabinet and, before administering, I got online to confirm that we could give this medication to our toddler. It was then that I discovered the recommendation that over-the-counter pediatric cough and cold medicines not be given to children under the age of four, because of potentially fatal errors in dosing.

I realized how important it is to stay on top of new drug safety information. The problem is, keeping up with new drug safety information coming out nearly every day can be a huge challenge. Thank goodness for, the largest and most comprehensive online drug information resource out there!

This wonderful resource just became even more indispensable to moms everywhere with MedNotes. A recently-released, award winning tool that provides a free online personalized medication management program which can be used to track the whole family's medication profiles. On each personal family member profile you create, you can enter the names of all the medications being taken and then register to receive drug safety or interaction alerts to ultimately help reduce dangerous side effects and avoid unwanted drug interactions.

On top of this, MedNotes will send you new drug and specific condition news released by the FDA or drug makers related to the medications your family members take.

By being updated on all of your family's medication needs, you will feel the peace of mind that comes from feeling more in control of your family's health. I encourage you to visit and check out MedNotes.

Review courtesy of MomCentral

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