There’s nothing worse than diaper rash and, with my little one, it doesn’t take much to bring it on. We change diapers fastidiously; the amount of money we spend on diapers each week will attest to that. Yet still, my toddler will become afflicted with a nasty rash and, not only will I feel just awful for her, I’ll also feel personally responsible for causing that irritated little behind. I coat her in diaper rash cream and, eventually, the rash subsides, but it usually takes several days of suffering before it’s cleared up. 
I have recently learned that severe diaper rash can be the result of yeast coming into contact with irritated skin and bringing on a yeast infection. This is where Vusion ointment comes in. Vusion is a prescription strength medication that helps fight diaper rash that also has a documented yeast infection. Vusion is steroid-free and gentle enough to treat babies as young as four weeks old - and it is the only FDA approved medication to treat this type of diaper rash with yeast infection
Vusion is only available through prescription so, the next time we visit our pediatrician, I will be asking him about this. If your little one suffers the same plight, I recommend you do the same.

I have recently learned that severe diaper rash can be the result of yeast coming into contact with irritated skin and bringing on a yeast infection. This is where Vusion ointment comes in. Vusion is a prescription strength medication that helps fight diaper rash that also has a documented yeast infection. Vusion is steroid-free and gentle enough to treat babies as young as four weeks old - and it is the only FDA approved medication to treat this type of diaper rash with yeast infection
Vusion is only available through prescription so, the next time we visit our pediatrician, I will be asking him about this. If your little one suffers the same plight, I recommend you do the same.
Visit http://www.vusionbaby.com/to learn more about this product and to find out about a $25.00 rebate offer.
This review is courtesy of Mom Central
I could have used this when my daugher was little.
oh, thank you!! I'll have to give that a try.
Thank you SO much for the blog award!! I appreciate it!! I finally sat down and got it posted! :) Thanks again!!
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