Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Pudding Pie has been having sleep issues and this means so has her mom. She isn't the greatest sleeper to start with. Barely naps an hour during the day and goes to bed around 8:30, closer to 9 , then likes to wake after three hours and ends up in the bed with me, where she continues to wake on and off through the night . . .
Yesterday she barely napped 20 minutes and stayed up as late as she could. Today she declined a nap altogether, but still opted to exhibit all the signs of a child desperately needing said nap. By evening this Mommy was feeling a little frazzzzzzled!
Pudding Pie did eventually go down earlier then usual this evening, big sigh of relief of Mommy until "waaah!' - she woke after 30 minutes.
Please, no! Mommy charged in there and put that baby back to sleep in record time.
She really should be doing better on the sleep front and it's my fault, I just don't have the stomach to let her cry it out and whenever I read the sleep advice books, I close them pretty quick because I discover I'm guilty of everything they say not to do . . .

1 comment:

Scribbit said...

Oh how that's hard--nothing like some sleep deprivation to put you off game as a mom.